Jin Jun Mei Tea and Lapsang Souchong Tea: A Comparative Overview

Jin Jun Mei Tea: A Taste of Luxury

Origins and Production

Jin Jun Mei Tea, originating from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China, is a premium black tea that has gained acclaim for its exquisite quality. First produced in the early 2000s, it is crafted exclusively from young tea buds picked in early spring. The meticulous processing involves withering, rolling, oxidising, and drying. The tea is known for its attention to detail, which includes hand-picking and precise oxidation levels to achieve its refined flavour profile.

Appearance and Aroma

The dry leaves of Jin Jun Mei are slender, tightly twisted, and covered in a golden-orange down, creating a luxurious appearance. When brewed, the tea produces a bright amber liquor that is clear and inviting. The aroma is complex and aromatic, featuring rich honey-like sweetness with notes of malt and cocoa, complemented by subtle floral undertones.

Flavour Profile

Jin Jun Mei Tea offers a smooth and well-balanced flavour. The taste is characterised by a sweet, malty richness with hints of caramel, honey, and a touch of cocoa. It has a full-bodied yet refined character, without any bitterness. The finish is clean and lingering, leaving a sweet aftertaste. To brew Jin Jun Mei, use water at 90–95°C and steep for 3 to 4 minutes to extract the best flavours while avoiding bitterness.

Health Benefits

Jin Jun Mei Tea is not only a pleasure to drink but also offers health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce oxidative stress and support overall health. The moderate caffeine content provides a gentle energy boost, and the tea's polyphenols can aid in digestion and support cardiovascular health.

Lapsang Souchong Tea: The Smoky Classic

Origins and Production

Lapsang Souchong, also known as Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong, also hails from the Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, China, and has a history dating back to the 17th century. This black tea is renowned for its distinctive smoky flavour, achieved through a unique smoking process. After withering and rolling, the tea leaves are smoked over pinewood fires, imparting a deep, smoky aroma that is characteristic of Lapsang Souchong.

Appearance and Aroma

The dry leaves of Lapsang Souchong are long, thin, and twisted, with a dark brown to black colour. The brewed tea produces a deep reddish-brown liquor that is rich and hearty. The aroma is bold and unmistakable, featuring a pronounced smoky scent with hints of pine, wood, and a subtle sweetness. The smokiness is dominant, creating a unique and powerful fragrance.

Flavour Profile

Lapsang Souchong is known for its intense and distinctive smoky flavour. The taste is full-bodied with prominent notes of pine smoke and wood, complemented by a touch of maltiness. The strong smoky character can be quite overwhelming for some, but it is balanced by underlying hints of dried fruit and sweetness. To brew Lapsang Souchong, use water at 90–95°C and steep for 3 to 5 minutes. The tea can be brewed multiple times, with each infusion revealing different nuances of its smoky flavour.

Health Benefits

Like other black teas, Lapsang Souchong offers health benefits, including antioxidants that can help reduce oxidative stress and support overall health. The caffeine content provides a stimulating effect, suitable for those seeking an energy boost. Additionally, the unique smoky flavour may aid in digestion and offer a comforting, warming experience.

Comparing Jin Jun Mei and Lapsang Souchong

Flavour and Aroma

The primary difference between Jin Jun Mei and Lapsang Souchong lies in their flavour profiles. Jin Jun Mei is celebrated for its smooth, sweet, and malty taste with subtle cocoa and floral notes. In contrast, Lapsang Souchong is characterised by its intense smoky flavour, with a robust and earthy quality that stands out. The aroma of Jin Jun Mei is rich and honeyed, while Lapsang Souchong's aroma is bold and smoky.

Processing Methods

Jin Jun Mei undergoes a careful oxidation process with no additional flavouring, resulting in a refined, elegant tea. Lapsang Souchong, on the other hand, is deliberately smoked over pinewood, which imparts its distinctive smoky aroma and taste. This smoking process is a key factor that defines Lapsang Souchong's unique character.


Jin Jun Mei features slender, golden-orange down-covered leaves, giving it a luxurious look. Lapsang Souchong leaves are long and dark, reflecting its robust processing method. The brewed tea from Jin Jun Mei is a bright amber, while Lapsang Souchong yields a deep reddish-brown liquor.

Health Benefits

Both teas offer health benefits associated with black tea, including antioxidants and moderate caffeine content. Jin Jun Mei provides a smoother, milder option, while Lapsang Souchong offers a bold flavour with similar health benefits but with a distinctive smoky twist.

Conclusion Jin Jun Mei and Lapsang Souchong represent two distinct approaches to black tea production. Jin Jun Mei is renowned for its smooth, sweet profile and refined quality, while Lapsang Souchong is distinguished by its bold, smoky flavour. Each tea offers a unique experience and highlights the diversity within the world of black teas, catering to different preferences and palates.

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